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mint to be crafty for a cause

Now more than ever we should always look to support each other in the current times of many unknowns that we are all navigating our way through.

Until further notice every sale will support an Emergency Assistance for College Youth who have aged out of the foster systems. College students all across America are being required to move out of their dorms. The students who have aged out of the foster system will be displaced & at risk of homelessness. Through this fund Together We Rise helps to relocate these college youth into stable housing - something it can be very easy for a lot of us to take for granted. 

Even as some of us are fortunate to be able to go back to college and live in our own places, there are still many schools that are not allowing students to return to campus. College Youth with limited options can be left with difficult choices during this time where there is not real place to call home.

10% of sales for a single pair of earrings will be donated, BUT when you buy at least 2 pairs of earrings 15% of sales will be donated.