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Essential Road Trip Tips for Solo Women

Reliable advise from me, Sydney, as someone who has travelled the US for over 8 weeks. These are all from my personal experience having lived in my car and travelled to 27 states in my most recent trip. 

1. document your travels on something other than your phone

2. plan your meals so you can buy groceries and save soooo much money

3. don't be afraid to do things by yourself - a lot of people are

4. don't let your gas tank get more than half empty. gas stations are few and far out in some states

5. always have extra water. however much you think you need...double it. 

6. when hiking, put a hydration tablet or powder in your water. this helps with your hiking recovery at the end of the day

7. keep an emergency blanket and poncho in your backpack no matter the weather forecast

8. headlamps are your bff

9. always start your day early so you are never stuck anywhere you don't want to be in the dark

10. get to campsites during the day so you can scope out your surroundings before dusk

11. always reserve any campsites for 2 people so that no one knows you're alone

12. make sure a friend or family member knows where you are planning to sleep each night - at least the general details like city or town

13. share where you are planning to hike with a friend or family

14. have your social media posts lag at least a few hours if not a day or two behind so that random people don't know your exact location when you're alone

15. trust your gut and instincts - this goes for surroundings, people, or weather conditions

16. it's okay to meet people but refer to #15 and be cautious in the details you share

17. gas should be your most expensive expense - try to pack food and plan ahead

18. take your time to be organized - whether it is before traveling or on the road, knowing where things are is the best feeling in the world

19. nothing every goes perfectly according to plan - but don't let that stop you from planning 

20. be observant of your surroundings, but don't stress unless there is a reason to

21. always have extra batteries

22. listen to your body - sleep when you're tired, eat when you're hungry, rest if you need it 

23. get an atlas because you never know if you'll be without cell service

24. have a device like an apple watch to track your distance while you hike

25. don't ever drink while alone to the point where you can't drive